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Jan 10, 2024

Meliva chooses Leyr as their integration partner

Leyr has signed an agreement with Meliva, one of the largest private care providers in Swedish primary care, to enable integrations to their various electronic health records (EHRs) in a scalable way. Meliva has high ambitions as a digital healthcare provider, in order to deliver accessible and quality care to its patients with high efficiency. In order to eliminate administrative tasks for the staff, a seamless transfer of data is needed between Meliva's digital tools and the respective EHRs. As Meliva operates in several regions and wants to avoid running several parallel integration projects, they have now entered into an agreement with Leyr to exchange patient data with the EHRs.

"We see great opportunities with digitalisation and want to increase the value that our staff can offer our patients. Therefore, we have focused on finding an integration solution that is technology-neutral and future-proof, and that is Leyr. We look forward to getting started with the collaboration", says Christoffer Berg, Digital Health Manager at Meliva Sweden.

According to Helena Holma, CEO at Leyr, it is precisely the approach to scalability and user-friendliness that is the basis for the collaboration:

"Like Meliva, Leyr is an actor that wants to improve healthcare through innovation. The fact that we are now starting a collaboration shows that Leyr is a service that solves the right problem in an appealing way, in an industry where safe and seamless data sharing can really relieve the healthcare staff of unnecessary tasks", she explains and continues:

"We are convinced that seamless data sharing and automation are required for healthcare to be able to deliver on its mission. In this case, Leyr enables Meliva to integrate its patient app with Leyr's API, and Leyr manages the data exchange to the various Swedish EHRs that Meliva uses. This enables Meliva to focus on further developing its digital solutions, in order to free up more time for the healthcare staff for the core business."

For Leyr, which has been operational in Norway since last fall, work is now underway to further develop and implement integrations for time booking and journal entries between Meliva's own app and two different Swedish journal systems: TakeCare and Evimeria Webdoc.

About Leyr: Leyr offers an integration platform that enables seamless data exchange between different digital solutions and EHRs through a single integration. Since the start in 2022, nine EHRs have been integrated, and Leyr is responsible for all support, maintenance and further development of these for its customers. By focusing wholeheartedly on integrations to EHRs, Leyr can deliver at a high pace and with high quality.

About Meliva: Meliva established itself in Sweden in 2020 by merging with several experienced healthcare providers and is already one of the country's largest players in primary care with approximately 140,000 listed patients. Currently, Meliva has approximately 700 employees. Meliva has solid experience and has its roots in the Finnish healthcare provider Mehiläinen, which has been a leading player in healthcare in our Nordic neighbour since 1909. Mehiläinen was also a forerunner in the digitalisation of healthcare, and this development Meliva continues to operate in Sweden.

For more information contact:

Helena Holma, CEO, Leyr


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